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Welcome to Matrix Assassins!

Two Real Girls in a Simulated World. Assassinating the Matrix One Dimension at a Time!

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Our Podcast

Step into the game as we discuss a variety of topics, question the status quo and break through the illusory chains of the Matrix!

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Exiting the Allopathic Medicine Matrix with Dr. Kelly Brogan

Dr. Brogan completed her psychiatric training and fellowship at NYU Medical Center after graduating from Cornell University Medical College, and has a Bachelor of Science from M.I.T. in Systems Neuroscience.


Feed your head

Life-changing podcast. No matter how strange any subject seemed at first, I have been glad I took a chance on every episode. Take the red pill, follow the white rabbit, call Alice- I think she’ll know.

My spirit animals

So happy I found this podcast, it’s quickly become one of my go-to favorites. I’m working my way through the rabbit holes of the 5d awakening poster and these ladies ‘get it’! They are smart, insightful and entertaining. Give this podcast a listen, you won’t regret it!

One of my favorites!

This has quickly become one of my favorite podcasts! They always have very interesting guests and cover an array of fascinating topics. I always learn so much, or learn about new ideas to start researching, or am introduced to knew people that open my mind!

New Merch!

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